convenient way to access product information. One solution was the implementation of a new product filter, that will help customers to find the perfectly matching grinder for their individual set of requirements.”
德国 Mahlkonig/迈赫迪 E65S数控磨豆机电动意式商用咖啡研磨豆机
德国Mahlkonig/迈赫迪k30VARIO WBC磨豆机意式手冲咖啡豆磨豆机
Furthermore, as one of the first equipment manufacturers in the coffee industry, Mahlkönig has launched its own YouTube channel. Besides service tutorials for technicians and video presentations of the most recent product highlights, a subscription to the channel will keep you up to date with the brand new online series “Let’s grind”. Starting with Canadian barista champion Ben Put in episode #1, the Mahlkönig team meets and interviews international world class baristas.